
To bring together artists and their audience, share, exchange …

Commenting on artistic approach and gathering impressions for one, communicating an opinion or asking questions for the other, Tangram Company tries, as far as possible, to create moments of dialogue around its performances.

Academic Representations

The ensemble performs the show in front of classes supervised by their teachers.

For these somewhat special performances, artists may have to modify the show. This can be accompanied by a presentation of the instruments or historic explanations for the younger ones or comments on the composition, the choice of film or a certain aesthetic bias for the most cinematographic and music loving audiences. It may also be shortened to coincide with class time.

Public Rehearsals

They take place during a creative residency.
The public will be able to attend a rehearsal of the ensemble, immerse themselves in the artists’ work, participate in a work in progress, and exchange questions and answers.

Meetings / Debates

Organized more or less formally, in a conference room, at the foot of the stage or around a drink after the show, these moments of dialogue are very important in the eyes of the artists and the company.